Love this. My daughter is in the same phase, and I went down the same thinking you did. There’s a short phase in a girl’s life where they can enjoy pink and unicorns unabashedly and so I’m glad my daughter gets to do that! I really think there’s something core to feminine nature that craves beauty and adornment, and for little girls that translates as pink and glitter 😅 Once she gains the knowledge of good and evil it will be back to black haha

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Hahahah this is so true! I dressed mostly in black for almost a decade, and then never touched it again for another. It's good to be able to balance it all now, there's a place in life both for the black and for the shiny.

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I'd be feeling the exact same way 😅 Kudos to you for being such a great supporter of your daughter's interests!

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Thank you Kate! I feel like this princess phase is still relatively easy, there will be many more challenging interests especially when she's a teen...

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