As someone who's giving up on CrossFit at the same time as I'm diving into tarot as a spiritual exploration tool, this post feels uncannily relevant to me lol

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Incredible how this works, isn't it? :)

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this post makes me want to try tarot! from reading this, it feels similar to journaling in the sense that you're creating space for the different voices in your head to have their say.

thanks for sharing!

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Julia Cameron has a similar thought for those who take on The Artist's Way: You don’t have to understand how electricity works to harness it.

I'd love to give tarot a try with you! It was mentioned in the last ii salon I hosted (s/o @Crystal Duan), and I met someone this weekend who's been working on AI-generated ones (https://replicate.com/alekseycalvin/soonrtarot), so maybe tarot is also trying to find out more about me!

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