May I turn to the light even in the darkest hour, and may I carry that light forward wherever it’s needed the most. May I always stay in touch with the hope, warmth and renewal in me, and may I bring them with me everywhere I go.
May I keep singing my song even if no one is listening, knowing it will find its way to whatever it needs to resonate with. May I never stop dancing, so that my dance will move people’s hearts and help them shake off their own burdens too.
May I wield my power wisely so that people will discover their own power through witnessing it. May I dream big and dare to follow my dreams, so that other people will let themselves dream big and wild too.
May I take full responsibility for whatever is happening, and may I remember that more often than not it requires letting go of control. May I know my boundaries and when to push them further. May I be able to tell when to ask for help, when to let go, and when to ask for more discipline of myself.
May I live boldly and courageously, and may I always remember that feeling bad is not the end of the world. May I be a living proof that there are wonders to be discovered on the other side of what’s strange, scary, or unpleasant.
May I live with an open heart, and may I let people’s joys and sorrows flow through it without taking them as my own. May I hold space for people’s emotions no matter what they are, so that they can move through feeling knowing they’re safe and loved.
May I remember that true wisdom is quiet, nuanced and subtle, always dancing between extreme positions in a dynamic balancing act.
May I let go of the desire to be seen as smart or extraordinary. May I speak in simple words and stories, so that they reach people’s hearts rather than just minds. May I share my truth and the truth of countless grandmothers before me without worrying about who takes the credit.
May I always remember that everything I do, every word I say, and every song I sing matters and has lasting effect on many generations that will come after me. May I be forever grateful for this ability to co-create the world in this way, and may I keep in mind that there’s no better reward or recognition than this.
May I be free from fear and doubt, or rather may I embrace fear and doubt like my old friends, and hug them as we set out on this incredible journey anyway.
May I talk, dress, smile, dance, listen, and pay attention in a way that grounds me and everyone around in the moment. May I bring smile to people’s faces even if we’ve never met before, and may I help them open themselves to the love we’re all surrounded with.
May I step into the light that shines on us all as we’re walking each other home, and may I always carry that light with me.
May I, may you.
This was amazing.
Love it, love it, love it.
thank you for this beautiful reminder! ✨💕